Top 5 Meeting Minutes Templates

You’ve came up with a perfect agenda, picked a time slot, booked the most suitable room, and sent meeting invitations to a carefully selected list of attendees. All set for a productive meeting? Well, only if you’ve also thought through the meeting minutes.

What are the Meeting Minutes?

Meeting minutes serve as a written record of everything significant during a meeting. Whether it's clarifying what decisions were made or highlighting points for further discussion later, a robust set of minutes provides both attendees and absent members with valuable insights into what transpired during the conference.

These documents play an integral role in maintaining transparency within teams or organizations and serve as an invaluable reference point for participants seeking clarity on past discussions.

This prompts the question: Why should we bother with taking meeting minutes? To answer this query, let's delve into the raison d'être behind this practice in our next section.

Why Writing Meeting Minutes?

Usually, meeting minutes serve a combination of purposes. Informing those who could not attend, keeping track of decisions or actions, and creating a point of reference in case of misunderstanding are just the few most common of them.

Eventually, it all comes down to productivity. For example, if absentees are in-the-know, the team can keep up with efficient working pace. Alike, smooth project management calls for clearly defined to-do’s, while many communication-related roadblocks can be prevented by having a source of information to look up to.

As productivity manifests through actionable ideas, we can conclude that the reason for keeping meeting minutes is to have the discussions documented in a way making it clear for others to act on.

While templates are invaluable, it's crucial to remember that they should be adaptable. The best meeting minutes template can be customized to fit your organization's unique needs and culture. Don't be afraid to modify existing templates or create your own to ensure they capture the most relevant information for your team.


What Do Meeting Minutes Include?

Meeting minutes comprise several vital components to effectively convey information and ensure a shared understanding among team members, each serving its unique purpose. Here's what you would typically find in a reliable set of meeting minutes:

Header Information

Integral to the structure of your document, the header information should include:

  • The name of the organization or team
  • The date and time of the meeting
  • The location of the meeting (or mention if it was held virtually)
  • Names of attendees and those unable to attend

With this context-setting data safely tucked at the top, anyone viewing your report will instantly understand the basics.

Agenda Items

Listing out agenda items is critical for readers to grasp what was on deck for discussion during your gathering. It offers a sense of direction and helps keep track of whether all planned topics were indeed covered.

Discussion Summaries

Following closely behind are summaries of discussions tied with each agenda item. This part captures the main points, debates, different perspectives presented, and any decisions made. Ensuring these summaries remain objective is essential—they provide an accurate record while eliminating personal bias.

Action Items

Underlining all actionable aspects ensures everything runs smoothly post-meeting. These action items should pinpoint precisely what task needs to be done, who is responsible for completing it, and by when—bridge that gap between intention and execution!

Next Meeting Details

Meeting minutes often conclude with specifications about future meetings—the proposed date, time, venue (or virtual link), and prospective topics for discussion—for everyone to pencil into their schedules.

It's important to note that diverse scenarios often ask for slightly altered versions or focus areas within meeting minutes. Templates can be adjusted accordingly—let us guide you through some examples:

  • Informal Meeting Minutes Template: Ideal for casual or ad hoc gatherings where formal documentation may seem overwhelming—we don't want record-keeping to feel like a bore! This template keeps it light, straightforward, and strictly essential—covering critical points discussed and what's on the horizon.
  • Annual Meeting Minutes Template: These meetings are generally larger affairs with a heavy emphasis on annual progress, finance reports, and significant policy decisions. Hence, the related minute templates include dedicated sections for each area, covering the election of office bearers and approval instances.
  • Client Meeting Minutes Template: Client meetings demand a sharper focus on tracking promises made to clients or capturing requirements for the teams involved. Capturing details with an eye toward customer satisfaction proves you value your client's input.
  • Training Meeting Minutes Template: Training sessions aim to equip attendees with new skills or broaden their knowledge base. The minutes should outline the materials covered, learner reactions/feedback, suggested improvement areas, and shared resources (including follow-up readings).

Different Types of Meeting Minutes

Informal Meeting Minutes

Ideal for casual or ad hoc gatherings where formal documentation may seem overwhelming—we don't want record-keeping to feel like a bore! This template keeps it light, straightforward, and strictly essential—covering critical points discussed and what's on the horizon.

Annual Meeting Minutes

These meetings are generally larger affairs with a heavy emphasis on annual progress, finance reports, and significant policy decisions. Hence, the related minute templates include dedicated sections for each area, covering the election of office bearers and approval instances.

Client Meeting Minutes

Client meetings demand a sharper focus on tracking promises made to clients or capturing requirements for the teams involved. Capturing details with an eye toward customer satisfaction proves you value your client's input.

Training Meeting Minutes

Training sessions aim to equip attendees with new skills or broaden their knowledge base. The minutes should outline the materials covered, learner reactions/feedback, suggested improvement areas, and shared resources (including follow-up readings).

Meeting Minute Template Examples

Understanding the range of templates available for meeting minutes can streamline your note-taking process. It allows you to select a template that best suits the dynamics of your meetings, whether casual or formal, short or exhaustive. This section will showcase three key variations: the Standard Meeting Minutes Template, Detailed Meeting Minutes Template, and Formal Meeting Minutes Template.

Standard Meeting Minutes Template

In this modern era where agile is the norm, not every meeting requires an extensive drill-down into each topic discussed. For such gatherings, we recommend using a Standard Meeting Minutes Template. It's perfect for quick updates or brief team huddles.

Typically including:

  • Date and Time of the Meet
  • Attendees List
  • Key Points Discussed
  • Actionable items with Assigned Individual(s)
  • Date of Next Meet

This lean format ensures all necessary information is noted without over-complicating things.

Detailed Meeting Minutes Template

There are instances, however, when details matter more than brevity; complex projects require thorough documentation, after all! The Detailed Meeting Minutes Template guides you in capturing significant substance from discussions onto paper/screen.

This usually encompasses:

  • Pre-meeting Agenda Items
  • Timing Allocation Per Topic
  • In-depth Conversation Summary Including Varied Perspectives 
  • Decisions Made Alongside Reasons Behind Them 

It is designed to be comprehensive and facilitates valuable review sessions post-meetings, ensuring every detail is included.

Formal Meeting Minutes Template

Are you stepping into a boardroom? You need something serious—something formal—the Formal Meeting Minutes Template fits right here!

It has sections like:

  • Prelude (Prior notifications & circulations)
  • Opening Remarks by Chairperson/CEO
  • Attendance Sheet with Designations 
  • Ratification/Mathematic Progression of Resolutions Passed Last Meet   
  • Long-form Discourse Transcripts 
  • Voting Outcomes

Its solemn nature ensures legal compliance and gives it an official record status. It creates a thorough reference point for future board actions.


Legal Requirements for Meeting Minutes

Compliance with Corporate Laws

Meeting minutes are often legally required documents for corporations and organizations. They serve as official records of decisions and actions taken during meetings. Compliance with corporate laws may need specific information in meeting minutes, such as the date, time, location, attendees, and critical decisions made.

Record Retention Guidelines

Organizations must adhere to record retention guidelines for meeting minutes, a task that can be complex and varies significantly depending on the type of organization and jurisdiction. Generally, meeting minutes should be kept for a minimum of 7 years, but some organizations may need to retain them permanently. It's crucial to consult with legal counsel to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations, as these can vary widely.

Top 5 Meeting Minutes Templates

Google Docs

You don’t have to look far - Google Docs offers a few simple meeting minutes templates that could be used to take notes in any kind of meeting. They all include more or less the same content, but vary in designs. Although far from being called eye candies, Google’s templates have an advantage of being offered on a platform familiar to many. Therefore, it’s a great choice if you’re just “testing the waters” in the world of meeting minutes, or want to leverage the tools you’re already using, instead of taking up new ones.


Another tool that you can instantly try out is Microsoft Word. Depending on the version of the app, it presents a slightly different selection of templates, from detailed reports to simple notes for small meetings. To broaden the choice, even more templates are offered online, in the Microsoft Office templates website. Additionally, if you are a Microsoft 365 user, the online notebook OneNote might be worth a try. Besides offering pre-existing templates, the app has an option to create them from scratch, and allows sharing the minutes via Outlook with all attendees in no time.


Slite is a workspace designed for teams to create, share and access all their content. Although the full platform experience is (friendly) priced, many convenient features, including the meeting minute templates, are accessible with the free plan. We like Slite because it helps gathering content to one single place and keep a trace on written decisions. It also provides “personalized” templates depending on your area of work, and allows saving them so that they could later be easily reused by anyone else in the team.


Probably the best choice for a big organization, willing to standardize their meeting processes between different departments. Fellow offers more than 500 free templates that can be used both for planning the meeting and writing the minutes. All of them are collected in a library classified by departments (HR, Customer Success, Marketing, Sales, Executive, etc), and encompass various purposes of team get-togethers: from strategy sessions, to product roadmap planning and one-on-ones. Worth to check out even if you already have a meeting minute procedure in place, for some great ideas on agenda topics.

Adobe Spark

If you have an inventive approach to routinely office procedures, Adobe Spark is the best solution to create meeting minutes with a twist. Besides adding your meeting information into the Spark template, you can edit it to embellish everything with branded elements, hyperlinks, call to action buttons, photos, and videos. Because of an intuitive user interface, the process is simple and does not require any prior design knowledge. The memorable meeting minutes can be printed, emailed, or shared with teammates via a custom link.

Tips for Effective Meeting Minutes

Creating effective meeting minutes is an art combining attention to detail, organizational skills, and a comprehensive understanding of the meeting's context. Here are some guidelines to ensure your minutes fulfill their purpose - documenting critical information about discussions, decisions, and actions.

Be Organized and Structured in Recording Information

The organization is the bedrock of valuable meeting minutes. To attain this:

  • Ensure you have a clear outline that aligns with the meeting agenda. This helps steer minute-taking organizations.
  • Include pertinent details such as date, venue (or online platform), starting time, attendees' names; apologies received for absences and special guests.
  • Capture main ideas briefly but accurately under each agenda item heading.
  • Differentiate between what was discussed versus what was resolved or actioned.
  • Consistently use prefixes such as 'Motion:,' 'Action:,' or 'Item:' to designate decisions made or topics considered during the discussion.

A structured recording approach makes the minute-reading process efficient for stakeholders who weren't present at the meeting but needed to follow up on its proceedings.

Use Clear and Concise Language

Effective communication often hides in simplicity, more so when crafting a vital document like meeting minutes where readability matters significantly. Avoid jargon unless universally accepted within the organizational context – these could hinder comprehension by non-specialist readers.

Remember that brevity is essential; long-winded paragraphs may unintentionally hide critical aspects of discussions or decisions. At all costs, avoid ambiguity since it may result in misinterpretation and ultimately flawed execution of directives.

Focus on Important Discussions and Decisions

As much as you aim to capture an exhaustive record of the meeting's proceedings, be cautious not to drown important points amidst less relevant content. 

Ensure that all decided actions are clearly outlined, along with those responsible for undertaking them, plus any set deadlines.

Discussions leading to such decisions are equally critical. Still, always retain vital points rather than inscribing verbatim conversation – unnecessary details contribute little to the overall meeting perspective.

Be Objective and Impartial

Crafting effective meeting minutes requires you to play an observer's role, detached yet utterly aware of what transpires. Neutrality is paramount if your record is to reflect the reality of discussions. 

Use impartial language devoid of personal opinion or bias - remember, minutes remain for posterity, serving as a legal reference point when necessary.

Your primary goal should be maintaining an accurate, factual record of who said what concerning each agenda item, the corresponding reaction from fellow attendees, decisions reached, plus any identified follow-up actions. Your emotions or judgment shouldn't steer this narrative at all!

colleagues in a meeting

Common Mistakes in Taking Meeting Minutes

Including Unnecessary Details

One common mistake in taking meeting minutes is including too much information. While capturing key points, decisions, and action items is essential, including every detail of discussions can make the minutes challenging to read and less valuable. Focus on the critical information that will be relevant for future reference.

Failing to Capture Key Decisions

Another critical error is not documenting important decisions made during the meeting. Ensure that all key decisions are explicitly stated in the minutes, including who made the decision and any relevant context. This helps prevent misunderstandings and provides a clear record for future reference.

Distribution and Approval of Meeting Minutes

Timelines for Distribution

It's best practice to distribute meeting minutes as soon as possible after the meeting, ideally within 24-48 hours. This ensures that the information is still fresh in attendees' minds and allows for timely follow-up on action items.

Process for Approval and Amendments

After distribution, allow attendees a set period (e.g., 5-7 business days) to review the minutes and suggest any corrections or amendments. Once all feedback is incorporated, the final version should be approved, typically by the meeting chair or a designated individual, and then circulated to all relevant parties.

Automating Meeting Minutes

As technological advancements continue, we have noticed a significant shift towards automating various business processes. One of these is the taking and recording of meeting minutes. But what does automation mean in this context? Allow me to introduce you to the concept of meeting minutes automation tools.

Introduction to Meeting Minute Automation Tools

The name is relatively self-explanatory. Meeting minute automation tools are software applications designed to streamline the process of recording, structuring, and distributing essential details from your meetings. These sophisticated platforms use Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to transcribe spoken words into written text in real time.

These tools can effectively record everything said during a meeting adjournment and have built-in features for converting speech into precise detail by recognizing different speakers or highlighting key discussion points. With some configuration, it essentially eliminates manual note-taking, providing an accurate written account once your conference concludes.

Benefits of Using Meeting Minute Automation Tools

There are numerous benefits associated with using such advanced systems:

  • Increased Accuracy: As previously mentioned, these automated meeting minute takers increase accuracy by reducing human error. You don't need to rely on imperfect memory or inadequate notes; you get a word-for-word recall.
  • Improved Efficiency: Ask anyone who's had the task of manually taking minutes; it can be tedious, detailed work! An automated system saves time before, during, and after meetings, as no one has to type out everything discussed.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: With all participants having access to verbatim transcripts quickly post-meeting, team members will find collaboration easier due to enhanced clarity achieved through accurate information-sharing.
  • Data Security: Modern automating systems offer robust security features that ensure sensitive data discussed in confidential sessions remains protected from unauthorized access.

How To Integrate Automation Into Your Meetings

If you're wondering how to bring automation into your meeting routine, remember that the process is more manageable than it might seem. After carefully evaluating features and benefits, it starts by selecting an appropriate software platform.

Once you've acquired a suitable tool - speech transcription software or a full-featured meeting management solution - the next steps include explaining how this new system operates to all participants. Doing so will reduce resistance to change and ensure that everyone understands what they can do on their part to make automation successful.

Subsequently, it's about using these tools in actual meetings. This could mean setting up microphones in your conference room to record conversations or going through a brief testing phase to ensure everything's working as expected.

Finally, refining utilization based on feedback is crucial to integrating automation into your meetings because it helps progressively modify specific procedures for enhanced efficiency.

Role of the Minute Taker

Responsibilities and Best Practices

The minute taker plays a crucial role in ensuring accurate and comprehensive meeting documentation. Their responsibilities include:

  • Preparing for the meeting by reviewing the agenda and previous minutes
  • Actively listening and taking notes during the meeting
  • Capturing key decisions, action items, and important discussion points
  • Organizing and formatting the minutes post-meeting
  • Distributing the minutes to all relevant parties in a timely manner

Best practices for minute-takers include:

  • Staying neutral.
  • Focusing on key points rather than verbatim transcription.
  • Clarifying any uncertainties with the meeting chair.

Skills Required for Effective Minute-Taking

Effective minute takers possess a combination of skills, including:

  • Strong listening and comprehension abilities
  • Excellent writing and summarization skills
  • Attention to detail and accuracy
  • Ability to multitask (listening, typing, and organizing information simultaneously)
  • Familiarity with the subject matter and organizational context
  • Proficiency in using relevant software tools

Meeting Minutes for Specific Industries

Nonprofit Board Meeting Minutes

Nonprofit organizations have specific requirements for board meeting minutes due to legal and transparency obligations. These minutes typically include:

  • Detailed attendance records
  • Financial reports and budget discussions
  • Voting results on critical decisions
  • Reports from various committees
  • Discussions on fundraising and program activities

Corporate Shareholder Meeting Minutes

Corporate shareholder meetings require comprehensive minutes that cover the following:

  • Election of board members
  • Financial performance reports
  • Voting on major corporate decisions
  • Shareholder questions and management responses
  • Any changes to company bylaws or articles of incorporation

Adapting Meeting Minutes for Remote and Hybrid Meetings

Capturing Virtual Participation

With the rise of remote and hybrid meetings, minute-taking practices must adapt. When capturing virtual participation:

  • Note the platform used for the meeting (e.g., Zoom, Microsoft Teams)
  • Record who attended in person and who joined virtually
  • Document any technical issues that may have affected participation
  • Include details of any polls or virtual voting conducted during the meeting

Ensuring Accuracy in Digital Environments

To ensure accuracy in digital meeting environments:

  • Use screen-sharing features to confirm visual information
  • Encourage participants to use the chat function for clarification
  • Consider recording the meeting (with permission) as a backup
  • Follow up with participants post-meeting to clarify any points that were unclear due to connection issues

Don't underestimate the power of simplicity in meeting minutes templates. While capturing every detail is tempting, the most useful minutes are often those that briefly summarize key points, decisions, and next steps. A well-designed template should guide the note-taker toward capturing essential information without becoming overwhelming.

Consider incorporating a 'Parking Lot' section in your meeting minutes template. This area can capture important ideas or issues that arise during the meeting but are not directly related to the agenda. It ensures these points aren't lost and can be addressed in future meetings or offline discussions.

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