Yarvis Now Available on Slack: Your AI Workplace Assistant, Just a Message Away!

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Great news! Yarvis, our AI-powered workplace assistant, now effortlessly integrates with Slack, making it accessible to even more companies!

With this integration, Yarvis is always at your fingertips, making workspace management smoother and faster. Want to book a meeting room? Need to find an available desk or coordinate schedules? Just talk to Yarvis on Slack, and it will handle the rest. 


This also means that you don’t have to juggle between different apps or platforms—Yarvis brings all the powerful workspace booking capabilities of Yarooms right into your team’s central communication hub. Leveraging generative AI, Yarvis can understand and fulfill various requests within seconds, including:

  • Finding available workspaces based on specific criteria.
  • Providing details on personal or team schedules.
  • Reviewing booking lists and answering related questions.
  • Applying filters (like date or space type) to refine searches.
  • Answering support queries to help users find information faster.

If you're a Yarooms user and want to try Yarvis on Slack, setting it up is simple. All you need to do is enable "Sign in with Slack" on the Yarooms web app. Once you sign in with Slack and your identity is created, Yarvis will automatically appear in your list of apps on Slack. Enjoy the experience!

For more information about Yarvis, please visit this page.


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