[Download eBook] How to Leverage Hybrid Work: Our 7-Step-Plan for a Successful Hybrid Office

Building a Hybrid Work Model

Once you've decided that the office is ready to open again, what comes next? The future of work for your employees can be broken down into two camps - those that want to work from home forever and avoid the physical office, and those that miss the collaboration and focus that working in an office can facilitate. To find the right balance, workplaces have started to implement a hybrid model. The question is, is it sustainable over the long term as the new normal for the future of the office?

The short answer is yes, with the right mindset and tools. The hybrid work model doesn't need to be about locking in a segment of your workforce as permanently in the office and letting everyone else work from home. The hybrid model is about flexibility, and the best execution is the hybrid work week. Taking the concept of the hybrid office one step further, allows team members to alternate their work setting throughout the week. This means that an individual can choose how many days to work in-office and spend the remaining days working from home. This is the key to workspace productivity.

Our 7-Step-Plan for Success

In this eBook, we'll offer steps and solutions to not only get your employees comfortable and excited about going back into the office, but also how to build your workplace into a place of flexibility, creativity and safety. The eBook covers 7 key topics:

  • Returning to the office
  • Building a hybrid work model
  • How office managers and HR professionals can transform the workplace
  • Technology as a way to a safer office
  • How to make hot desking work for you organization
  • Office utilization metrics that matter
  • How to create an employee-centric workplace

Download your copy now:

Topics: Hybrid & remote work

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