legal ilustration for LP

Right to be forgotten

For privacy and data protection reasons (for example, in accordance with
the EU General Data Protection Regulation), you have the right to request
the deletion of personal data associated with you.


This form is for requesting personal data currently processed by YAROOMS to be removed. 


When submitting this request we will carefully consider your rights to privacy
and data protection against the purposes for which this data is processed.

For example, it is possible to refuse your request if:

  • Your data is associated with the sole Administrator of a YAROOMS Tenant
    with an active subscription, as this action would leave the Tenant unmanageable. 
  • Your data is associated with the sole billing contact of a YAROOMS Tenant
    with an active subscription.
  • The processing of your personal data as end-user is necessary for providing
    the Services contracted by our Client


Our professionals will manually review your request within 30 days of submission.

Please add your Name and Email address, even if you are submitting this request on behalf of another person you are authorized to represent. In this case, you must have the legal rights to act on behalf of the other person.

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