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Using the map view

This article explains how to use the office map view to see the real-time and future availability.

Jump to:

1. The map view

2. How to navigate the map view

3. Available, busy, and disabled spaces

4. Floor statistics: how to check real-time (or future) space availability

5. Occupancy vs Capacity

1. The map view

The map view (Workplace → Map) is an interactive map of one of your location's floors. It can be used to:

2. How to navigate the map view

The map view can be easily navigated using the following controls:

Location selector (1) - allows you to access floor maps of different locations in your organisation (for example, New York office and Boston office).

Floor selector (2) - allows you to access maps of different floors in the selected location (for example, ground floor in the New York office)

Search or filter option (3) - allows you to search for spaces, space features, or colleagues and see the search results directly in the map (for more information, read this article).

Date and time selector (4) - allows you to see the space availability in the future (different date or hour).

Screenshot 2021-10-25 at 13.36.44

3. Available, busy, and disabled spaces

The map is a visual, real-time representation of the space statuses.

spaces are marked in green. If you press on any available space on the map, you will see information about its amenities and will be able to book it:

Screenshot 2021-10-25 at 13.35.58

spaces are marked in red. If you press on any busy space on the map, you will see information about its amenities, who booked this space (if the organisation's visibility settings allow) and when it will be available again:

Busy space

If your organisation is using emergency roles and the space is booked by the first aid/fire safety responsible, it's "Busy" status will display an emergency role icon: 

Screenshot 2021-10-25 at 13.33.15

Disabled (not available for booking) spaces are marked in grey. If you press on any disabled space on the map, you will see information about its amenities and the "Unavailable" status:

Screenshot 2021-10-25 at 13.37.29

4. Floor statistics: how to check real-time (or future) space availability

Each floor map contains the following statistics, allowing all users to get a real-time overview of:

  • Percentage of permitted floor CAPACITY (Administrators can read how to adjust the floor capacity here);
  • Percentage of floor OCCUPANCY;
  • Number of available spaces;
  • Number of busy spaces;
  • Number of disabled (non-bookable) spaces.

Floor statistics - YAROOMS Help

To see the space availability in the future (for example, next Friday, 1PM), use the date and time selector above the map.


5. Occupancy vs Capacity

Occupancy refers to the proportion of booked time slots (in minutes) relative to the total available schedule defined at the location level. If multiple spaces are booked, the occupancy percentage reflects the sum of all booked time slots across those spaces.
Example: If a single space on a floor operates on an 8 AM to 6 PM schedule and is booked from 8 AM to 1 PM, the occupancy rate would be 50%. For multiple spaces, the percentage accounts for the total booked time across all spaces.

Capacity, on the other hand, appears only when a capacity value is set at the location or floor level. It represents the percentage of currently booked desks at a specific time of the day, relative to the total defined capacity.
Example: If the capacity for a floor is set to 50 desks, and 5 desks are booked at a given time, the capacity percentage will be 10% (5 booked desks / 50 total capacity x 100).