People report

This article explains how to use the people report in the Workplace Analytics section.

The people report provides insights on metrics such as the number of no-shows, average time to check-in, the amount of spaces booked, etc. per user. Use it to make informed space management decisions. 

If you are an Administrator looking for information how to export workplace statistics, read this article

Using people report

To access the people report, go to Workplace → Analytics → People. 

Narrow down the results by specifying:

  • User team
  • Time interval ("Date between" tab)
  • Location
  • Space type

Information will populate the page.

people analytics

In the chart, you will be able to see all daily bookings made by the defined team of users during the specified time interval. It can help you grasp information which days are the busiest/most silent.

The statistics below will show aggregate information about:

  • The total number of people that fit the defined criteria;
  • The total number of reservations made by them;
  • The total number/percentage of no shows.

Scroll down the page to see the for each user within the defined team, as well as more aggregate information related to checked-in/out bookings.