Microsoft Teams: How to set up a Teams bot

This article explains how to set up a Teams bot.

Teams bot setup

Note: This is only available with a provided personal App.


  • Permissions to create a Bot Service in Azure Portal
  • An existing Teams integration
  • A packed Teams app provided by YAROOMS (not the one on the store).

Set up Teams bot:


  • Scroll down, click on “Load More”, as many times as needed, until the Azure Bot option shows up.


  • Click on "Create"


Create an Azure bot

  • Bot handle - A unique identifier for the bot
  • Select a resource group
  • Pricing - Change to Free Tier
  • Microsoft App ID - Select "Multitenant"
  • Creation Type - Use existing app registration
  • App ID - The client ID of your existing Teams Integration Application
  • Review + Create
  • Click on create


This will take a few minutes, but after its done, click on “View Resource”

On the left side menu click on Configuration and on Messaging endpoint add the following value: https://{your-tenant}


Apply the changes.

On the left side menu, click on "Channels" and add Teams as a channel.


Then, simply save the configuration to add teams as a channel.


Now proceed to add/update the Teams packaged application.